To stimulate justifiable authority over Uganda’s natural resources for the mutual benefit of all.
About Us
Think green! Save the planet
Our Main Core Value is to spear-head and promote environmental education, sensitization, protection and conservation and the unwavering fight against environmental degradation in Uganda and the world in general.
Our Mission
Our Vision
A Uganda where everyone is ecologically sensitive, socially and morally proactive, healthy and economically productive.
Our Goal
To realize democratic governance and the sustainable use of Uganda’s natural resources.
Who We Are
BiVA is a membership organization and is comprised of members whose professional background has a bias to environment, legal and sociology. The organization has a team of 7 independent Board of Directors (BOD) very knowledgeable on the environment, social, legal and development issues. The overall function of the BOD is to put in place policy guidelines; that are approved by the General Assembly, and to oversee the running of the organization’s activities in collaboration with management.
The BOD routinely monitors and evaluates activity implementation through field visits and engagements with community leaders in BiVA’s project areas. In addition, BiVA has a number of policies to guide its operations and these are not limited to, but include; the Human Resource and Finance Policy, Security Policy, Anti-Fraud Policy, Communication Policy, Gender Policy and IT policy among others.
The secretariat of BiVA is headed by an Executive Director supported by a Deputy Executive Director and programme officers. At the chore of the programing of the activities of BiVA, women and the girl child as well as the youth take the center stage. BiVA strives to bridge the gap between male and female in the country’s largely patriarchal society. The youth are also part of the activities of the organization and deliberate activities are implemented to empower them on different issues of sustainable development and environmental conservation.
BiVA works in partnership with a host of local and international institutions, and included among these are the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), the International Pollution Elimination Network (IPEN), Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Hands Off Mother Earth (HOME), the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)/Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) and Africa Women Alliance Against Destructive Resources Extraction (WoMIN), Oil Watch Africa (OWA), Association for Climate Action Network Eastern Africa and the Climate Action Network Uganda. BiVA is also a member of the Network on Sound Management of Chemicals in Uganda (NESMAC-U) and works in collaboration with numerous NGOs, CBOs and networks in Uganda that promote the sound management of chemicals, human rights, women rights and the environment in general.