BiVA recognizes the fact that energy is one of the backbones of production, indeed no production can take place without any form of energy. BiVA also recognizes that FOSSIL FUELS are an energy of the past that should be discouraged for the good of current and future generations. Energy is not only needed for industrial production processes but also for agriculture, other small scale enterprises as well as at household level for various uses.
Sustainable Energy
Often times, poor members of community are left out of the energy equation during planning an error that results into condemnation of these group of people into the poverty trap. BiVA advocates for small decentralized, community owned and affordable energy options that are designed to meet the energy needs of the rural poor. Access to clean and affordable energy is one of the keys to development and economic growth. Sustainable energy includes energy options that cannot be depleted and has the potential to meet our demand for energy without any risk of going bad or running out. This is why sustainable energy is the answer to our energy needs. However, it is increasingly becoming clear that current systems are unable to provide energy to all people in a sustainable and affordable way.
To this end, BiVA will work towards the promotion of the development of sustainable energy options specifically, for their less harm the environment, and low carbon emission.